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Artwork from left to right: Marta Salamon - Cedrus deodara, Judy Morris - Correa alba,  Julie Holcombe - Xanthorrhoea sp.Artwork from left to right: Sue Stuart - Leucadendron, Janet Matthews - Banksia coccinea, Leonie Norton - Banksia integrifoliaArtwork from left to right: Cheryl Hodges - scarlet golden pippin, Shipra Shah - artichoke, Susan Grahame - crabapplesArtwork from left to right: Cheryl Hodges - Monga Waratah, Nigi Lechner - African tulip, Sue Stuart - orchidArtwork from left to right: Cheryl Hodges - satsuma plum, Leonie Norton - Banksia formosa, Nigi Lechner - waratah

Gallery of our Members' Work

All current BASA members are eligible to display their work and contact details on this page.

Members with their own website are asterisked *.

Click on the artist’s name below to view their images and details.

If you are a member and wish to be included on this page please email good quality digital images of up to four paintings along with a short biography of up to 300 words to our web content editor for inclusion. Digital images should be no larger than 96 dpi and 1000 x 1000 pixels. 

We can be reached by email at webmaster@botanicalartsocietyaustralia.com or through the contact form for any further information.

The Botanical Art Society of Australia Inc.
PO Box 3382
Exeter NSW 2579

© 2024 The Botanical Art Society of Australia Inc.  |  Site by HighlandCreative.com.au

All images on this site are copyright by the artists and may only be used with their permission.

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